Thursday, December 6, 2007


Wow! This is a great example provided by Brett Davies on how even well known personalities, whom you thought would be better advised, are also exposed to issues like this. So how important is estate planning in the advice process? Very.
When I was advising in the past, I made it part of my advice process to discuss the issue of estate planning and the importance of having an up-to-date Will, at the same time as having current appropriate insurances to fund the estate goals. In fact the two go hand in hand.
So what is your policy when dealing with clients? Share your thoughts with us.

Peter, GM of the risk store

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Hi there!

In this week's Weekly Risk Read, Chris Unwin provides his final sales tip for 2007. So do you have a USP? Do you know what USP means? We suspect many advisers don't know or if they do know what it stands for, they don't know what it truly means - and means for them in a business sense.

Everyone should know their USP. It's not easy sometimes to create one. Have you ever sat down for 30 minutes and written out onto a piece of paper your USP?

Still don't know what a USP is? Go check out this week's WRR.
Tell us what issues you've had creating your own USP.


Peter Wincott
GM of the risk store